Folder Structure for Cloud Storage

On my workstation I do not really use a cloud storage. My primary use-cases are transfering files between two devices or sharing files with friends. But the following folder structure can help to organize your files.

Folder Structure


10_quick_access: Files and documents which are used very often or will be used very soon, e.g. tickets or voucher. It can also be named: 10_important.

20_private: A folder for private files, similar to My Documents or home folder. In case of a group account, each user can have a dedicated folder, e.g.: 20_alice, 21_bob and so on.

30_projects: Used for collaboration, projects and job-related files. Can be shared with colleagues.

40_bookmarks: Used for articles, eBooks or similar which are currently read.

50_misc: All "permanent" files which does not fit into other folders.

60_temp: Ephemeral files, e.g. to tranfer files between two devices.

70_share: A dedicated folder to shared files, documents, photos and more. Its purpose is to be able to keep track of shared files, e.g. to delete it after a few days.

80_backup: Folder for backups.

90_archive: Move no longer required files into this folder, or files for which you are not brave enough to delete. Should be cleaned-up once in a while. It can also be named: 90_deleted.

Best Practices for Naming Files and Folders

  • use a prefix which enable a desired sorting, e.g. reference/processing/ticket number or a date/timestamp
  • use ISO 8601 as a date format, e.g. 2023-07-24 or 20230724T214223
  • use special characters with care
  • example:
    • photos of a hiking trip in black forest
    • use the EXIF tag DateTimeOriginal as prefix for photos, it enables you to easily collect and merge photos of your buddies
By @Christof Pieloth in
Tags : #Cloud Storage, #Nextcloud, #Folder Structure,